Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Ayurveda is a magical Healing Theraphy


Ayurveda is one of those healing practices that truly stood the test of time. Ayurveda is 5000 years old and it involves treating the problem from the root of the cause. The goal of Ayurveda is to provide balance to the lifestyle. In fact, if we look into the Sanskrit meaning of the word, it means  “lifespan build on knowledge” or “science of life.” According to it, the disease and illness originate from an imbalance in the three energies which are also called three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

The main theme of this medical practice is to help people live long, healthy and balanced lives. There should be no need for prescription drugs, complicated surgeries or suffering through painful conditions.

History of Ayurveda Medicines

The use of Ayurveda medicines goes very long back in dates. It was first originated in Vedic times. But the systematic researches on ayurvedic medicines started in 1969. Some countries like Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal also have a history of using ayurvedic medicines for centuries. Seeing the effects of Ayurveda, this practice is now becoming very famous worldwide. More and more people from the west are also choosing Ayurveda as an alternative medicine.


How does Ayurvedic Medicines Work?

The study of Ayurveda believes in Praktiti which consists of three energies namely, vata, pitta and kapha.

  • Pitta is fire and water.
  • Vata is space and air.
  • Kapha is water and earth.

Therefore, the Ayurveda works to restore the balance between these doshas. Ayurvedic medicine concentrates on health and wellness balancing the work of mind, body, and spirit.

Benefits of Ayurveda

  • In the present generation, stress is the root cause of almost every problem. Every second person is suffering from it. Ayurvedic medicine includes techniques that are used to naturally treat anxiety and depression symptoms and lower the anxiety issues. It also lowers cortisol and rebalances the body’s hormones or “energy.” Some common ways of doing that include meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, herbal treatments, skin brushing, visualization or repeating inspirational mantras.
  • As the medicines in Ayurveda are all natural, there are no harmful effects of them on the body and hence it cures the body as well as keeps it diseases free, i.e. arogya. It also provides peace to the human mind and makes it healthy.
  • These medicines also help in lowering the blood pressure and keeps cholesterol in check. Studies show that Ayurveda diets and relaxation techniques can help in lowering inflammation and reducing plaque buildup. It also reduces the risk of heart diseases.
  • It also promotes healthy and glowing skin naturally.
  • A continuous practice of Ayurveda helps in recovering from any diseases fast. It also cleanses the body and promotes a healthy lifestyle.
  • Hormonal Imbalance problems are also cured by Ayurveda in a magical way. Ayurveda prescribes natural formations and various therapeutic properties to fight from hormonal imbalance.
  • You can get these treatments from any hospitals. Choosing an ayurvedic hospital in Delhi would be a great choice seeing the number of hospitals there. Live healthy and stay healthy, that is all Ayurveda is for.

By Janu Rams

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